Your Business Cash Advance is immediately funded once you are approved.
2. Upon approval:
Every business needs access to business working capital. As compared with hard-to-qualify small business loan financing, a Business Cash Advance from Cash Advance Exchange offers easy cash access for retail and service-oriented businesses and restaurants. Within 4-5 business days after approval, you’ll receive a lump sum of $10,000 to $500,000* from Cash Advance Exchange based on your current monthly average credit card processing sales volume (Visa / Mastercard).
Use your Business or Restaurant Cash Advance however whey you choose:
*Businesses in operation less than 12 months will be capped at $25,000 for funding.
Every business needs access to business working capital. As compared with hard-to-qualify small business loan financing, a Business Cash Advance from Cash Advance Exchange offers easy cash access for retail and service-oriented businesses and restaurants. Within 4-5 business days after approval, you’ll receive a lump sum of $10,000 to $500,000* from Cash Advance Exchange based on your current monthly average credit card processing sales volume (Visa / Mastercard).
Use your Business or Restaurant Cash Advance however whey you choose:
- Remodeling
- Expansion
- Advertising or Marketing
- Increasing product inventory
- Upgrading equipment
- Paying bills or outstanding debts
- Pay employees and vendors
- Pay for kids education
- Pay for vacation expenses
- Or, use it for emergencies
*Businesses in operation less than 12 months will be capped at $25,000 for funding.