Your Business Cash Advance is immediately funded once you are approved.
2. Upon approval:

Every business needs access to business working capital. As compared with hard-to-qualify small business loan financing, a Business Cash Advance from Cash Advance Exchange offers easy cash access for retail and service-oriented businesses and restaurants.  Within 4-5 business days after approval, you’ll receive a lump sum of $10,000 to $500,000* from Cash Advance Exchange based on your current monthly average credit card processing sales volume (Visa / Mastercard).

Use your Business or Restaurant Cash Advance however whey you choose:
  • Remodeling
  • Expansion
  • Advertising or Marketing
  • Increasing product inventory
  • Upgrading equipment
  • Paying bills or outstanding debts
  • Pay employees and vendors
  • Pay for kids education
  • Pay for vacation expenses
  • Or, use it for emergencies
Now you can use your business cash advance anyway you want!

*Businesses in operation less than 12 months will be capped at $25,000 for funding.
Getting the Business Working Capital you need to grow and prosper.

If you need money for your business, whether to finance growth or for personal needs, contact Cash Advance Exchange today. We’ve been helping small businesses get the money they need to stay on their feet.  Through our easy approval process, you can get that much needed money within as little as five days.
Get started.
Call our representative at 1.877.865.7744, or email us at to get your business cash advance loan today!